all right FINE after attempting EVERY POSSIBLE LEGAL METHOD & (let’s be honest) a couple of quasi-legal methods of streaming Leverage, i have BOUGHT NOT ONLY THE DVDS BUT ALSO A PORTABLE DVD/BLU-RAY PLAYER SO I CAN WATCH IT WHILE USING THE EXERCISE CYCLE, GOD DAMN IT

i feel that this is SOMEWHAT OVER THE TOP and should not have been A NECESSARY STEP for watching 12 YEAR OLD TV in THIS THE YEAR OF OUR LORD TWO THOUSAND TWENTY

i also bought The Librarians and Alias for good measure because IN FOR A LAMB, LADS, IN FOR A FRIGGIN LAMB

otoh the portable dvd/blu-ray player does open up our entire catalog of TV On DVD to watch, which means i might actually get around to watching the entire series of X-Files that I bought before streaming was really a thing, & it won’t pause while waiting for our network to work. and in fact, if i can hack it to watch our american DVDs i might even re-watch Highlander. SO THERE.

(i have entire seasons’ worth of Supernatural tweets to turn into a blog post, maybe, but also…maybe not… :))

ETA: in the time between starting to write this post and now (my computer froze up so I couldn’t post it), I’ve discovered that my old computer has a DVD player, so I’ve returned the dvd/blu-ray player & am using the computer, which has a much larger screen, to watch X-Files. Well. Two episodes, so far, anyway. :)


1 thought on “a COMPLAINT

  1. I feel your pain. But I already had it on DVD and wanted streaming, so bought it on Amazon. Paid twice for the SAME shows because I’m too lazy to get up to change the discs. :) Dammit Hardison!

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