a few extra weeks…

I need a few extra weeks in the next couple months. I mean, really, is that so much to ask for? It’s just that the window for applying for government grants for artist living expenses closes on January 21, and there are at three or four areas I’d like to apply for a bursary in (photography, an attempt at a literary novel, that climate change trilogy that I want to try my hand at, and a YA fantasy thing so I might someday get to finish writing ANGLES. Cast the net wide, right? :)). I’ve got 2/3rds of the writing done for the literary thing, enough of ANGLES done, no idea what it would take to apply for a photography bursary (need to look that up) and absolutely nothing on the climate change thing. Obviously the smart thing to do would’ve been work on some or all of those apps over the past few months, except mostly for the last few months I’ve been going “blblblbl” instead of being productive. So now I’m left with six weeks to do those and write a book, and as usual, it’s the book, which someone is actually *going* to pay me for, which takes precedence. Maybe I can get *one* of the grant applications done…

And in the meantime, today for some reason is one of those days where I feel like I need a big mug of coffee, nevermind the fact that the closest I come to caffeinated beverages is hot chocolate.

Mghlg. Okay. Slogging to work now. Mglgh.