I am in a very fine mood!
I have written four thousand words after (and including) wrenching this chapter around to keep the scene I really liked but which was from the wrong POV, and it *works*. I have broken 60K on this book. There is a great deal of sex. (It’s ironic. I’ve been struggling with making the Old Race sexy enough, whereas TQB I’m like, “BRING IT ON, BABY” to the point of thinking, “Ok, is this next bit of boinking actually relevant enough to the plot to put in there, or is it just sexy so I want it there?” (Mind you, I fully intend to put it in there, if for no other reason than it makes starting the next chapter relatively easy. I can always take it out again later, if necessary. In the meantime, I may not be able to let my parents read this book…)) My god. I’m really enjoying writing this. (And not just enjoying writing the sex, you perverts.) This is great!
I have gotten email from a friend, Lee Roland, who has finalled in the RMFW conference contest every year since 2001, when we met, and who this year WON and who has gotten an AGENT and whose books will start being pitched SOON! I am SO EXCITED over that! *laugh* *beam* YAY!
In other RMFW news, Robin Owens, fellow Luna author and generally splendid gal, got punked by her critique group, to my high hilarity. I wish I’d been able to go to the con this year. Next year, dammit! Next year I shall go!
Ooh! I got my Dana from
Oh, *man*. I just ran the 4th Chance script past
Speaking of Chance, my artist has made the transition to full-time comics artist. Let us hope Chance gets picked up. O.O :)
Man, I’m in a good mood. :)
miles to Isengard: 264
ytd wordcount: 296,900
I seem to recall that the ” was above the 2 on my Commodore 64 in my days of youth. I theorize that the Amiga was bigger than the IBM PC in the late 80s in Europe, and that was the baseline for the keyboard. But that’s just pure speculation!
I blame a mis-spent youth reading comics. :)