
Watched four episodes of La Femme Nikita last night, and the writing/acting is getting considerably more solid as the show goes on. The last episode we watched had me in heart-palpitating nervous agonies over what would happen with the guest star and her relationship with Michael, so I’d say it’s all good. *happiness* *geeky happiness* :)

I got out of bed this morning, pulled on a robe and some fuzzy socks, and bobbled downstairs to read Gail Dayton’s THE BARBED ROSE and Laura Resnick’s DISAPPEARING NIGHTLY. DISAPPEARING NIGHTLY was a fun quick read, and the first urban fantasy I’ve read in years and been able to enjoy. THE BARBED ROSE was very satisfying and raar, and a perfectly wonderful way to open up the morning. I really want THE ETERNAL ROSE now, ’cause I want to see what happens next!

My plans for the afternoon include taking a shower, walking down into Cobh, mailing books, trundling back home, and reading ‘s SON OF UNMAKING. If there is time, I will also read, um, something else. :) And I may go so far as to induldge in some chocolate somewhere in there, because it is a Day Off.

Dammit, though, this country doesn’t have root beer. There are people I would probably be willing to cause physical harm to in order to get myself a Henry Weinharts…

10 thoughts on “*aaaah*

  1. I’ll send you a six pack of henrys for a sigbed copy! :)



  2. Hrm… At this rate, you’ll be getting so many care packages, the postman will wonder if you’re setting up your own grocery store…

  3. I think I may be on to something here. Especially since shipping root beer is much more expensive than shipping a book :)

  4. Clearly you need to add a barter section to your webpage. You know, a how much in trade goods will get how much personalized attention kind of thing. As long as you successfully play it off as a homesickness remedy, you shouldn’t pick up that stigma that greedy celebrities get from charging for autographs…

    Hey, love and adoration is great and all, but it doesn’t put a frosty mug of root beer on the table.

  5. Ah well… cause i know a place that does ginger beer and proper english lemonade…

  6. Ginger ale is *good*! If you know a good place for that, I’ll have it! But it’s not at all like root beer. :)

  7. Hell, I can’t get Weinhart’s root beer and I’m IN this country! I’ve never seen it further east than Utah (but DID get some when I was in Utah this fall and it was wondeful).

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