afternoon project

Ted and I walked about a zillion miles this afternoon, and then I came home and thought I’d give restoring an old photograph of my grandparents a try. I’ve been wanting to do it for years, and have tried on and off, but not until I took the photography class did I learn how to actually /do/ it.

ytd wordcount: 61,900
miles to Minas Tirith: 6

9 thoughts on “afternoon project

  1. *I* think so. I do not look like my grandmother did, but in that picture, I think she looks like me. :) Or I look like her. :)

  2. Nice picture! Not so formally arranged as I’m used to seeing pictures from wayback then. And yes, if you’d put on that hat and coat and gotten a picture in the same pose I certainly wouldn’t have been able to see the difference :)

  3. It was taken sometime in the mid 1930s, we think. Not before 1934, because that’s when they met. :)

    I would dearly love to /get/ a similar hat and coat and get a picture of me in that pose. :)

  4. Wow. That’s a great picture – I love the informal Guys-and-Dolls feel to it. And your grandfather was good-looking in an Irish way. :)

  5. Wow, I’m impressed. You used Photoshop, yes? I didn’t realize photography classes covered photo restoration as well; something to bear in mind as I scan my grandmother’s photo albums.

    She does look like you — and she has a great hat.

  6. Nice work on the restoration. Can you go further, or does that introduce more artefacts than it removes?

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