against all odds

Against all odds, we got some work done today. Yay us. :) I was going to set up a remote desktop, but sigh, you have to have the professional version of XP to do that, and I don’t have that at home. So tomorrow morning I get to spend a bunch of time setting up Homesite with the right sites and all. Do I know how to have fun, or what? Yah, or what, that’s what I thought too.

I’m tired. Which is not really a surprise, given that I got up at about 5:15 my time. I wasn’t tired *then*, but I also went to bed very early my time. But! Soon I shall be hanging out with Sarah, and then the tiredness will be gone for a while. I expect to crash hard tonight, though. :)

Let’s see. Um. Eh. I’ll write more about the work situation tomorrow, I think. We get to meet with the technical consultants they’ve brought in at 4pm tomorrow; I think I shall not be quite so enthusiastic in showing up at work at, er, 10 to 8 like I did today. o.o And, let’s see. *looks around* I guess now I’ll go put some sunblock on and put my contacts in (not necessarily in that order) so I can go out into the cruel daylight to catch a bus and find Sarah.

Oh: I must remember to bring my memo…my memory stick. Hrm. *checks the back of the computer* Heh. Ok, I must remember to ask the IT guy to hook me up to the printer, because I got Laura’s edits and have no way to get them to … oh. I could go to a Kinko’s and print them out from email there. That’s what I’ll do.

Wonder where a Kinko’s is. *checks the web* The computer I’m on is so old it hasn’t got USB ports, just serial ports. Ah, there’s a Kinko’s at 50 Fremont, south of Market near 1st. I’ll go there, mebbe tomorrow morning.

Ok. I’m off.

2 thoughts on “against all odds

  1. I did! I did! I tawed a Tatiebird!

    Okay, that was too saccharine. *shudder*

    Twas good to see you m’dear. I have your choklit, though. I will have to send it with the Angel tape. Choklit and Angel, two great tastes that go together.


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