“Authors are very simple folk, really. When the words are flowing, everything else can go hang.” –Neil Gaiman
Three. Hundred. Sixty. Thousand. Words.
This is far and away the most words I’ve written in a year, by some tens of thousands of words. And there are still TWO MONTHS LEFT! AHAHAHAHAHAH!
Like my earlier post, I got nothin’ else. I’m just announcing how cool I am to the world. :)
Totally awesome! You gotta teach me how to do that. (Now if only I could get rid of this pesky job.;) )
Iconlove. :)
Basically you sit your ass down and you write and write and write and don’t get up until you’ve reached quota. :) Except I happen to write fast, and so when I’m down to the grind, I really do burn through more words than many people can, so, y’know, don’t look at my wordcounts as things that you gotta reach :)
And your cat hasn’t even exploded! It’s a *really* good day!
Right there with you!
Hee! Thank you. My friend made it for my birthday. Everyone should have a little bit of Chris Halliwell.
Hmmm…I think I should try that word goal thing. It might work.:)