And I’m off!

All right. I have packed everything I can possibly think of, up to and including my swimsuit in case I take it into my head to jump into the 60 degree lake and go for a swim. (Yes, this is pretty likely.) I have enough food for two of me. I have a blanket and my good pillow and a toothbrush.

Most importantly, I have the THUNDERBIRD FALLS manuscript and Little.

I will stop at Sears on the way out of town and pick up a little space heater.

From what I’ve packed, you’d think I was going on a two week excursion, not a 3.5 day one. It’s completely ridiculous.

As of this posting, I will be completely incommunicado until sometime on Thursday. Try to be brave while I’m gone. :)

miles to Mount DOOOOOOM: 14

3 thoughts on “And I’m off!

  1. Hi! I hope you have a lot of fun at your aunts cabin. I’ll miss reading your journal (although I haven’t posted before) but it’s all for a good cause. :D

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