…is one. hundred. thousand. words on this book*.
It is not done yet. I have at least two more chapters and possibly as many as five or six. That’s fine, whatever, I don’t care. But hitting 100K feels like a milestone I would never reach. I have revised this book six times to get this far. I have thrown out at *least* fifty thousand words. This is the worst way to write a book EVAR.
However, with the exception of one scene which is acceptable in concept but needs work in actual implementation, I am tentatively *happy* with the book. I think it’s going to end the trilogy more than satisfactorily. I think it’s going to end it with a bang and leave people wanting more WHICH THEY ARE NOT GOING TO GET FOR A GOOD DAMNED LONG TIME BECAUSE OH MY GOD MY *BRAIN* uh ahem sorry was that my outside voice? O.O
Where was I. :)
Right. So despite the (literal) tears, the blood, the sweat, the head-beating, the frustration and the exhaustion, at the end of the day, I think this is going to turn out to be worth it.
My next post, which may get written tonight because I’m still hiding from People Reading My Manuscript, will be about cover art and back cover copy and how much control a writer really gets over those things, as per my query on what journal topics people might be interested in, from a while ago. :)
Well, unless something cooler comes up, in which case I’ll post about that instead. :)
*HANDS OF FLAME, third and final in the Negotiator Trilogy
well done
Go you! Yay!
(By the way, I finished Heart of Stone and really enjoyed it. Thank you!)
TOTALLY impressed. Well done!
Wow. That sounds like how I wrote the one I’m working on. I actually ended with 107k words, with almost 88k trashed (I have every word in other files).
Is there a better way? I would dearly love to know. :)
Well, I don’t *typically* do this. :) I usually go 1/3rd of the way in, hit a wall, rewrite, charge forward to 2/3rds, hit a wall, rewrite, and finish, then polish it up. This…has been much more difficult. I don’ wanna do it again. *’nif*
Frighteningly productive, I swear. But all the more books for us!
Congrats on reaching 100K!
Muhahahaha. I am totally going to write Rockhead Fanfic, to satisfy the fans. :)
Congratulations! I’m sorry this book has been so difficult to write (I know the feeling!), but glad you’ve gotten it to where you’re feeling happy about it.
Just randomly… or maybe not so random, since I always want new people to follow… “mizkit” isn’t taken on Twitter…
*Grins, ducks, and runs*
It makes me sad that the Negotiator Trilogy is called that (the ‘trilogy’ part, not the ‘negotiator’ part) because that means there will be only three books and I just got done reading Heart of Stone and damn I’m going to be sad when I finish the last in the series. I don’t suppose you could be convinced to change it to Negotiator Series? Ah well.. you’re the author and you know what’s best. But anyway, props to you on a fantastic book and wonderfully compelling characters. By far my favorite book of yours that I’ve read (and I’ve read all that have come out so far).
Also – I feel it kismet that I finally found someone else who defines their moods by Rogue/Gambit icons. Makes me :). I know this reply it to an older post but have a good day.
If only I knew who you were, I could go admire your Rogue/Gambit icons too! :)
I’m glad you liked HEART OF STONE so much. :) There’s plenty of room in that world for more stories, and maybe I’ll go back to it someday. But not right away! :)
Ah well, I don’t have an online journal of any sort, but I use them as my away messages. Others seem to either completely get it or ask, ‘Who’s that?’ If only they had been exposed to one of the greatest couples of all literature…
I also assume you haven’t published any comics as of yet? If so, I haven’t found the names on your site. I think it’d be interesting to check out what you come up with in that arena.
I guess I’ll just have to hold out hope (and keep an eye on your books – which I do anyway) for awhile then to see if you ever return to this world. It truly is utterly compelling.
Keep up the great stuff (and I’ll keep reading). ;)
Oh, well, okay then. I’ll just admire your taste in away messages, then. :)
I have not published any comics as of yet! Working on it, so yeah, keep an eye on the journal and when something shakes loose it’ll be posted here, have no doubt. :)
Glad you’re enjoying the trilogy so much. :)