The ink is drying on the deal memo, so I have a green light to announce that there will be three more Walker Papers!
The next Walker Papers novel will be out in 2009, with the following books in 2010 and 2011 (buh). In the *meantime*, the following books will be out (titles subject to change):
COYOTE DREAMS (Walker Papers #3, May 2007)
HEART OF STONE (Book One of the Negotiator Trilogy (?), November 2007)
HOUSE OF CARDS (Book Two of the above, March 2008)
THE QUEEN’S BASTARD (Book One of, er, no series title yet, May 2008)
HANDS OF CHANGE (Book Three of the Negotiator Trilogy, September 2008)
Good gawd. o.o
eta: from comments, it occurs to me to clarify: the Negotiator trilogy is an all-new urban fantasy series under the C.E. Murphy byline that will be put out from Luna in trade paperback. THE QUEEN’S BASTARD is my epic (sci-fantasy) thing from Del Rey; the second book of it will be out in 2009. :)
miles to Dunharrow: 120
Is the Negotiator trilogy the ‘earth’ element correspondant to the Cardinal Rule ‘fire’ trilogy? For some reason I thought that line had ended up getting cancelled and not published.
Yay you!
To quote you: *thud!*
Nope. It’s an entirely new urban fantasy series from the Luna line!
Congrats. :-)
No, no! It’s bad enough I have had to wait a year between each of the first three Walker Papers. You’re telling me I’m going to have to wait /2/ years for the fourth? Harrumph! Harrumph, I say!
And also, Yay! And, er, that’s a lot of books.
Shows how much I’ve been paying attention. (: Yay!
I promise you, I have no expectation that *anyone* except me should be able to keep track of how many books I have coming out when or under what names. You’re right, incidentally: the other line did get cancelled and those books will … not see the light of day again for years.
Awesome! Nice to know I’ll have these to look forward to for a while.
Is that because of contract issues, or because you’re too busy to write them, or a third option I haven’t even begun to consider?
Wow! Congratulations! (You have books scheduled for the next 4 years. How cool is *that*?)
Some of both of those. Rights issues, more specifically, than contract issues; I could write books 4->onward in the series, as I have the rights to those, but the original 3 books won’t be out from under HQN rights for years. I could certainly make the latter books stand alone, but there does become a time issue, and that combined with the fact that it’d be *nice* to be able to make them all available leaves them more or less lying around until the rights revert to me sometime in 2012 or 14 or something. :)
But…but…I’m a slow reader. I haven’t even read Thunderbird Falls yet. Eep! :) But I will keep my eyes open for these books.
That’s awesome honey. I’m so filled with envy.
Huzzah! I’ll look forward to seeing them in the stores.
Looking forward to them all! Hoping that Borders in Dublin will stock them, I may have to order them from there to ensure it.
There’s a Borders in Dublin?!
they opened near the end of october in a “retail park” beside the blanchardstown centre. It’s heaven if it dodn’t cost me a chunk every time I go! Unfortunately/fortunately my husband works in the Blanchardstown centre :)
I’ll have to go there and tell them to order my books. Cool, thanks for the heads up!
*bounce* Squeeeee!
Go Kit! Great news!!!
This is awesome news. I had just read the email message, and glad to see you posted it in the journal too so I could comment.
Now heres to wishing that you might get one of those novel deals where they want to release a trilogy within a 6 month/year period so they can spend less promoting it, but that your fans can have more books to dig into.
Great news! For you, that is. For me, it just means I’m that much further behind in thinking up clever ways for you to autograph books for me.
Congrats anyway. :)
*pathetic whine*
Only TWO this year? How am I supposed to get by on only TWO Kit books? All these awesome promised titles staring up at me with big Puss-In-Boots eyes, and I can only expect TWO before the next New Years????
Are authors supposed to take sadism classes when they get published? ‘Cause I like to be ahead of the curve…
Whee! Congrats on their being further Walker Papers! :) :)
Ooh, very exciting news. Congratulations!
That was the original idea with the Negotiator trilogy, but things changed. :)
Hooray for more Jo! (and Gary, and Morrison, and…)