
Apparently Amazon is shipping THUNDERBIRD FALLS. I’m a little startled, because the official release date is May 1, which for Luna books means “the tuesday before the 1st day of the month,” so I would expect it to be in stores around the 25th. (In Anchorage, I would expect it to be available at the B&N already because they always put things out early.)

Its current ranking at Amazon (which is, I know, mostly meaningless, but still) is more than 200 placements higher than I ever saw URBAN SHAMAN go to. That’s kinda nifty. :)

19 thoughts on “apparently….

  1. Woot! I’ll have to see when it shows up on the shelves around here. :D

  2. *headdesk* Wish I’d known that when I made my latest order last night.

    But next one!

  3. Whee! Time to order, I guess. Though I’ll be using, so it won’t help the already magnificent ratings much :)

  4. *sigh* Great…by the time I’ve saved up the $149 for Shaman I’ll need *another* $149 for this one!! Grrr…

  5. I just picked up my copy today from Borders. I’m on a business trip in York, PA. I’m so glad I checked the book store before ordering from Amazon, now I can read it on the plane home.

  6. I got mine today at a B&N in the San Diego area.

    In other small amusements, Amazon seems to have set a premium on Urban Shaman, this page is showing it at a cost of $149.00 for me, as of this writing. :)

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