Apparently Amazon is shipping THUNDERBIRD FALLS. I’m a little startled, because the official release date is May 1, which for Luna books means “the tuesday before the 1st day of the month,” so I would expect it to be in stores around the 25th. (In Anchorage, I would expect it to be available at the B&N already because they always put things out early.)
Its current ranking at Amazon (which is, I know, mostly meaningless, but still) is more than 200 placements higher than I ever saw URBAN SHAMAN go to. That’s kinda nifty. :)
Woot! I’ll have to see when it shows up on the shelves around here. :D
Ooh, shiny!
*headdesk* Wish I’d known that when I made my latest order last night.
But next one!
Whee! Time to order, I guess. Though I’ll be using, so it won’t help the already magnificent ratings much :)
Yup, my copy showed up yesterday.
*sigh* Great…by the time I’ve saved up the $149 for Shaman I’ll need *another* $149 for this one!! Grrr…
I got mine on Monday!
err, shipped from Amazon, incidentally…. :)
Can’t wait to get it! Joyce
Read it in 3 hrs. It rocks.
I assumed as much. :)
Of course, the winner of this ebay auction, which ended April 10th, managed to buy Thunderbird Falls even earlier.
You know, I’m never quite sure what to do about that sort of thing…
Mine has shipped, but it probably won’t be here by Monday. *FLORN*
I just picked up my copy today from Borders. I’m on a business trip in York, PA. I’m so glad I checked the book store before ordering from Amazon, now I can read it on the plane home.
Hooray! I hope you enjoy it! :)
I got mine today at a B&N in the San Diego area.
In other small amusements, Amazon seems to have set a premium on Urban Shaman, this page is showing it at a cost of $149.00 for me, as of this writing. :)
So far I am loving it. Thanks. :)