We picked apples on Sunday. This warped panorama does not do justice to the numbers of apples currently residing in our entryway:
The bag in the back corner, and the white box, which is like 2×3′ or something, are also full of apples. There are So Many Apples. There’s a fairly large bag already missing, too, as I sent one home with my sister.
A friend just dropped by and took away the small box next to the plant pots and the black bag at the foot of the photo, which made a small but visible dent. Ted said, “I can fix that. Want me to go pick more apples?”
I gave him the look he deserved. :)
I’ve been making apple jelly and jam almost daily. Now that we have ALL OF THESE off the trees I need to start apple butter, but it requires peeling so many apples I have to get started early or I’ll be doing apple butter at midnight.
Here are the jams I’ve made so far. Soon they’ll be available on Etsy. Soon!

This weekend I’m going to be bringing some to Octocon. If you happen to be going and see this post, there’s a poll here to ‘pre-order’ the jams you’d like, just to try to give myself a sense of how many I should bring. (Don’t fill it out if you’re not going to Octocon but want jam. The Etsy store will be up soon!)
There are still so many apples on the trees, omg. Oh, the crabapples:
13 pounds picked in half an hour, and that was literally only the low-hanging fruit on the tree. There’s got to be at least twice this again. I’m thinking of making crabapple butter, which I’ve never tried. I bet it’ll be an amazing color.
Anyway there’s still hundreds of apples on the main tree and we DISCOVERED a random fifth apple tree in the front corner of our garden a couple of weeks ago and there’s the one tree that fell half down and IDK if it’s worth trying to shake the apples out of it because most of them are growing over a hedge, and there’s the other tree that hasn’t fallen down and we haven’t even made a *stab* at it yet.
I’ve got so many apple recipes, but we can’t EAT this much!
Catie, have you looked into one of these:
i live in a “fruit belt” and i don’t know what i’d do without mine. they are brilliant! peels, cores and slices an apple in about 10 seconds.
I was in fact looking at one of those this very afternoon. :)
So. Many. Apples….
Don’t know if this will work for apple butter, but my mom never peeled apples for apple sauce. She just cored and cooked the unpeeled apples and ran them through a food mill (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_mill). Wish I were there to help.