approaching a magic number

Well. When I typed that subject line, I was thinking of the “Year of Miracles” commission, which is just shy of equalling the number of subscribers (138) “Hot Time” had from its two months of sales, eight months apart. I think I should give a copy of “Hot Time” to the 139th person who subscribes to “Year of Miracles”. And maybe to the 150th. And if I reach 175, I’ll provide something more extravagant–TRUTHSEEKER, probably, and something else I can’t talk about right now–and should I reach 200 subscribers I will send out an Irish Care Package to the 200th. :) So go forth and retweet, good people! (Augh. I have adopted “retweet” as a phrase to mean “boost the signal”, it seems.)

In other magic number stuff, though, this weekend is my 20th high school reunion. I keep thinking “My God, I must have been very young when I graduated!”, which is completely silly. I mean, it happens that I /was/ very young, as I graduated high school when I was 16, but mostly, just, I mean, 20 years? Really? It can’t be 20 years, I just had a baby. Yes, yes, I realize that makes no sense at all. Obviously this is not about sense. :) And several of my classmates have kids who are 18 or 19, which is just as silly as it being 20 years. Anyway, I kind of wish I was going. It would be interesting. Maybe there’ll be a 25th year reunion I can go to. :)

People in Portland: I boost the signal for my friend Nicholas Whyte, who says: I see that the Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery has released a new beer called Oud Heverlee Belgian Pale Ale – since it is named after my home village, I will be very interested to hear field reports of its quality!

Do not forget the housewarming party this weekend!

eta: Ding! There came donation #139. #150 gets a copy of “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight”, too, and then #’s 175 & 200 get books and a care package, respectively. rightfully points out this provides a reason to wait to try to be one of those numbers donating, so I will also throw in a drawn-from-the-hat randomized book prize to be selected from anybody who donates (essentially) today or tomorrow, and to make things fair, a second two randomized book prizes from the first 134 donations (which should keep everybody’s odds at about 1 in 67).

You guys are cool. :)

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