As it turns out, *after* you have freshly painted the cupboards white is not the most clever time to make a very hot sticky bubbly substance which stains at the drop of a hat and absolutely cannot stop being stirred during its creation process to clean up after.
And man. I was just having a clumsy as hell day, too. Poured raspberry juice all over the counter, then as I was cleaning up dripped more on the cupboards. The formerly freshly white cupboards, which now need touch-ups. Sigh. Then when the jam began to boil it did so with a vengeance, at which time it struck me that wearing shorts and having bare feet was a bad idea while making an extremely hot sticky substance that spattered all over the place. At least I’d put an apron on.
Then I couldn’t figure out why the pot of jars wasn’t heating up. Eventually I realized it was because I had the coil on the 6″ size instead of the 9″ size. Unfortunately, I only realized that *after* the jam itself was done, so I had to haul the warm-but-not-hot jam pot over to the larger burner the jam had been on, in an attempt to rapidly heat the jars enough that pouring hot jam into them wouldn’t make them shatter. (I succeeded.)
I made the usual terrible mess actually jarring the jam, although until the last jar it was actually quite a tidy process. I got jam on my fingers with the last jar, though, and it all went to hell.
I’m almost afraid to go make dinner. o.O :)
Hm. I think I need a cooking icon.
miles to Mount DOOOOM: 28
Heh. I think you are a cooking icon-o-clast.:D