The Audi, I am now told, is an Audi that was specifically designed for Ireland. I forebear to ask why a car designed for Ireland has a speedometer that goes to 160mph, because no one but a madman would even attempt that kind of speed, even if it were possible to achieve on Irish roads, on Irish roads. Anyway. Not the point. Because it is a car designed for Ireland, apparently the Audi people are now calling England to find out if anybody there knows what kind of speedometer it’s supposed to have. Personally, I think I might call Ireland, but perhaps the big Audi center for the islands is in England. I don’t know.
This has almost reached the point of absurdity, but I’m not quite to the breaking point where I start thinking it’s all pretty funny. An Irish Audi. I don’t know, somehow I feel like I sort of deserve that, or something…
Gosh oh gee. That Irish Audi must’ve been designed before they started driving on the other side of the roads there in Ireland, because the steering wheel is on the left exactly where we Americans expect it to be. I’m afraid I don’t buy their story.
I had the same thought: an Irish Audi that someone drove to Alaska? This sounds pretty fishy.
Give Audi a call, really. Their web site says the customer relations number is 1-800-822-2834. Maybe some inquiries from the top down will help get your dealer back in order.
(Hmm, now you’ve got me wondering how high the speedometer goes on my A4, because I don’t recall.)