Today I bring you the writeup for our second Call of Cthulhu with Teddy, my dumb, dumb, DUMB, but darling, arteest who is involved in this entire game simply bc his affianced, Beloved Alice, has lost her marbles. We have spent a month in Scotland, at fellow player Summerset’s estate. Alice has not recovered. Teddy has flirted with Summerset’s wife, Rose, who is politely impressed that he’s an artist: Very nice blues, dear. Teddy: Thank you! It’s my favorite color! Would you like to hear some of my other favorite…
Author: mizkit
things you shouldn’t say to writers
Elsewhere, when I posted the DEMON HUNTS cover, a reader responded with words to the effect of “I’d rather have new books than new covers.” ::looks into the camera:: Another reader stepped in to try to head them off at the pass, said I’d gotten the rights back and that I was re-releasing them with my own covers and that the story was finished. Unfortunately, the OP responded with “if the main character isn’t dead, the story isn’t over!” ::LOOKS. INTO. THE CAMERA:: Part of me wants to say “I…
Bon Jovi discography revisitation – the 80s
Over on BlueSky, my friend Mame and I decided we were gonna do a chronological Bon Jovi discography revisitation and pick what we thought were the three best songs off each album. We’re going to include live albums and some compliations, as well as Jon’s solo stuff (at least, we’re going to do BLAZE OF GLORY. I assume we’re also doing DESTINATION ANYWHERE, but I haven’t verified that yet). That’s more than twenty albums, and IDK if we’re doing weekends, so it’ll take a while to get through it all!…
the crisis is averted…
…but hoo boy did i have a Very Bad Weekend with regards to Dropbox. At this point I do not require assistance. I’m just regaling you with the tale of Catie’s Very Bad Dropbox Experience. So. I discovered late-ish last year that I had some kind of catastrophic Dropbox failure EARLY last year for things I don’t need 99.9% of the time, so I only discovered it months after the fact. Like, in the end, it turned out that nearly half my files were showing as zero bytes. To the…
Call of Cthulhu: Enter Teddy
For the past eight months or so I’ve been playing in an online Call of Cthulhu game which I did not intend to play in, because as you know if you know anything about Cthulhu as a game setting, first everybody gets really paranoid, then they go insane, and then they die, which didn’t sound like great fun, tbh. However, the GM then said the first adventure was going to be set in 1920s Peru, and…that sounded like too good a setting to pass up (and it was, he’s done…