banner liberated from twitter user iPokemonGO :)

a pokemon weekend :)

I spent basically the entire weekend playing PokemonGo, and it was GREAT. :D Please know that I do not expect many of the following words, in these sequences, to mean much to most people. :D It was the PokemonGoFest weekend, and I got in the region of 2 million XP, which is an extremely large amount for me. I am T R Y I N G to reach 50th level in this wretched game because, see, I do not play video games, and I never level out in them on…

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irritated rant

IRRITATED RANT INCOMING I just got one of my trad publishers’ for-the-authors newsletter arrived and one of their topics is “how to grow your newsletter organically!” You know what the #1 best way to grow it would be? The NUMBER ONE BEST WAY to grow it would be for THE TRAD PUBLISHERS to let us put OUR NEWSLETTER LINKS into THEIR EBOOKS But they don’t want to do that. Not because it’s hard, because it isn’t: they could just put it into the About The Author at the end, or…

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Irish govt climate crisis survey

The Irish government is asking people to take a survey on climate change action. If you live in Ireland, this affects you. It took me about 20 minutes including the screed I had to cut down because it was too long, because apparently you’re only allowed to have a certain amount of opionion on the climate crisis. It’s worth filling out. But then, why would I let a good screed go to waste? I wouldn’t, so here it is in a blog post. Feel free to adapt any of it…

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Recent Reads: Fake Flame

Recent Reads: Fake Flame: very cute. This is a a fake-dating book that has the brass tits to actually examine the trope of fake dating from within it own pages. Our Heroine, an English lit teacher, is being harrassed by her ex who won’t take no for an answer; in an attempt to get rid of him, she ends up almost setting a piano on fire, and Our Hero, a firefighter, arrives on the scene. Sparks, as one might say, ensue. Our Hero ends up offering to be her fake…

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critical for author websites – summary!

So I got about forty responses from my question a few weeks ago about what was critical to have on an author website, and the overwhelming response was that these, in more or less this order, are what readers are looking for: What’s New What’s Next ALL THE BOOKS Reading Order, particularly if that’s different from the publication order CURRENT! INFORMATION! Okay, so this was pretty interesting! I’m gonna go into some of these more, and then touch on some of the less-widely-asked-for-but-still-requested features! WHAT’S NEW – well, this is…

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