Skraylings! I don’t think I’ve read a book with skraylings, or anything much like them, since Elizabeth Boyer’s books that I haven’t read in a Very Long Time Indeed but still have on my shelf because fond memory tells me they were pretty darn good. Anne Lyle’s THE ALCHEMIST OF SOULS is nothing like those books, though. I’d say it’s more grown-up, but that’s kind of a disservice to the Boyer books, which were of their time, just as Lyle’s novel is. I just really, really *enjoyed* ALCHEMIST being of…
Author: mizkit
Picoreview: Pride & Prejudice & Zombies
Picoreview: Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: startlingly enjoyable! Look, I won’t kid you. When P&P&Z came out as a book I thought, “*God* I wish I’d thought of that.” It didn’t matter if it was going to be a one-hit wonder (and it apparently was; SENSE & SENSIBILITY & SEAMONSTERS apparently didn’t do nearly as well), it was just such a great idea that yeah. I wish I’d thought of that. I didn’t read the book, but I wished I’d thought of it. I *didn’t* read the book, so I…
late night dublin wander
I went to my sister’s musical last night, and having foolishly failed to check the train times, discovered at 10 o’clock, on my way to the train station, that there was not a half ten train, only a 10pm one and a half eleven one. So I ended up wandering around city centre, getting some extra steps in and taking crappy late night phone camera pictures, which I will now share with you. :) The General Post Office, commonly referred to as the GPO, on O’Connell Street. This was the…
Kitsnaps: Reflections
Yes, yes, I know that the way to actually have my Photo Friday/Kitsnaps post regularly is to prepare them weeks in advance and get them set to auto-post. It’s the weeks in advance part where I’m falling down, especially because I’d *like* to post the pictures false-framed the way I’ve done the last ten or so. Possibly this is a terrible choice and I should reconsider it forever, especially as I’m reasonably certain the only one who actually cares about it is me. I just feel like the images look…
new! shiny! website!
Thanks to the efforts of the magnificent Thirzah Brown, I have a beautiful new website! Equally excitingly, I have, through the good graces of a reader, acquired a comments moderator, which means the comments have been turned back on for the site! COME ONE! COME ALL! SPEAK TO ME! :) This has all been in the works for quite a long time now, and I’m really delighted to see it go live. My needs for a website have changed over the years, with me gradually wanting a greater focus on…