Very very VERY pleased me! 3410 words written today, and CITY OF HEROES, the first Chance script, finished! I wrote fourteen pages of script today. Ye gods. Let me say that again: ye gods. And once more for good measure: ye gods! ytd wordcount: 139,760
Author: mizkit
My feet hurt, but I walked 2.5 miles and now I have walked 101.2 miles to Rivendell! Uh. I was going to say… oh. I was going to say that I got a message from 100megs, my hosting company, and they said I’d used up over 80% of my bandwidth for the month of May, so if suddenly freezes up over the next few days, that’s why. I’m trusting that it won’t.
ucky day!
Ucky day out! I was going to go for a 30 mile bike ride, and I should /still/ go, but man, it’s ucky out! It’s grey and very very windy, although not particularly /cold/, and… well, lazy me. I kept hoping the wind would die down, but it really hasn’t. I’ve spent most of the day writing, instead. I’ve gotten 8 pages written on the Chance script, and have 6 left, and this fills me with a mixture of delight and panic. 22 pages of comic script is both a…
Saturday, Part II
So *after* I got home from walking yesterday… well, for a while I sat around and stared vacantly, because I was so out of it, and then … er. What /did/ we do? We watched While You Were Sleeping, which still makes me laugh out loud even though I’ve seen it a billion times, and we had dinner at Bear Tooth, I think, and while we were watching the movie it began POURING rain, and so after the movie was over I had to put the dogs out so they…
EIGHT MILE WALK! So yesterday Jai came by and picked me up and we drove out to Girdwood (after some delays, like discovering the road over to Jai’s daughter’s dance studio was being worked on and so there were detours before we could pick up her recital costume, and then there was the stopping for the mocha and hot chocolate, but then there was the driving out to Girdwood! We got up to the Alyeska Prince Hotel, which is where the volkswalk was supposed tos tart, and we went to…