
*Oh*! The fires that’ve been making the skies all hazy are in *Russia*! That explains why there’s been no smoke to smell. Wow! I only did a 2.5 mile bike ride last night, because my tummy got all blorty and icky. But then I got better and we went to dinner-and-movie at Bear Tooth and saw Daredevil. Again. That was the 4th time for me. :) Fortunately, it wasn’t the fourth time in a /week/. :) That’s all I know today! No, it isn’t: Litho sent me a pencil drawing…

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very chipper me!

Wow, I’m in a really good mood this morning. There must be a fire going on around here somewhere; the last two days, the light’s been orange. It doesn’t smell like smoke, but it’s hazy and, well, orange. It was actually kind of nice for biking last night, because it was really warm but the amount of direct sunlight was cut down, so there wasn’t so much squinting and stuff. So I did a 15 mile ride last night, and boy, if I think I’m going to bike 62 miles…

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very chipper me!

Wow, I’m in a really good mood this morning. There must be a fire going on around here somewhere; the last two days, the light’s been orange. It doesn’t smell like smoke, but it’s hazy and, well, orange. It was actually kind of nice for biking last night, because it was really warm but the amount of direct sunlight was cut down, so there wasn’t so much squinting and stuff. So I did a 15 mile ride last night, and boy, if I think I’m going to bike 62 miles…

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ok, smug me

Ok, smug me. I have finished the rough draft for the Chance script; what I finally did was start with page 22 and work my way backwards, filling in what I needed to have in there between pages 9 and 22. It worked. Go *me*. Now I have to write the actual /script/ from that, but I have the guts of the thing in my hands now. Yay! The rest should be comparatively easy. I *also* called Grandma, who sounds wonderful. She asked about my book and about Ted and…

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so, just checking–

So, just checking– Do I know any artists who do superhero-style artwork? Jim Lee/Andy Kubert/Ian Churchhill style art, rather than Joe Madureira/Chris Bacalo/manga style art. I’m not sure that I do, but /if/ I do and you might be interested in pursuing this Marvel Epic thing with me, let me know, eh? Note: nobody is as good as Jim Lee. I don’t expect that. Just, y’know. If you do that style artwork. :)