Do I know anybody who draws superheroes? Jim Lee/Andy Kubert/Ian Churchhill sorts of superheroes? Let me know if you 1. do, and 2. might be interested in trying your hand at a continuing series; Marvel Epic is taking open submissions and I’m writing a script for ’em. I want to find a reliable artist. So if you are one, or know one, let me know.
Author: mizkit
Marvel is starting to take submissions for its Epic line tomorrow. Personal goal: finish the Chance script by Monday so it can be sent out Tuesday morning. Finishing it earlier would be okay too. Got Photoshop 7 in the mail yesterday, yay. Let’s see, what else. I *must* call my grandma this afternoon.
Well, that didn’t suck. That’s pretty much all I’ve got to say. It wasn’t great, but it was pretty good. In other news, Jai and I went for a nice 4 mile walk this afternoon with Chantico, and she (Chantico) was very good, so I’m pleased with her. It was hot out! And we went for ice cream after Buffy, and Keith who’s the great guy who works at Baskin-Robbins, whom we hadn’t seen for several months, noticed and admired my hair. Go Keith. :) miles to Rivendell: 90.7 ytd…
Whee. Package off to the EEA, another letter written to send out next week, and, well, that’s really about all I know. It’s very very nice out. There are birds twittering all over the place. Some of them zoomed by the window, nearly causing Lucy to launch herself off the computer monitor and into the window. She went *TWITCH*! Waiting to hear from Jai whether we’re going walking this afternoon or not. I’ll probably go bike riding if not, but maybe after Buffy I’ll take Chanti out for a walk,…
there. less lame now.
Ok, I feel slightly less lame now. I’ve sent out, er, well, packaged up, anyway, the S&3 for US to send out to the Ethan Ellenberg Agency, and… they claim a 4-6 week turnaround on their site, although that’s under ‘international submissions’, so I don’t know if that’s for everything or, well, not. So theoretically I’ll hear from them around the beginning of July. Theoretically I’ll hear from the Donald Maass agency early next week. God knows when I’ll hear from Tor. This is all very nerve-wracking. :)