This is the geekiest proposal ever, but awwww how sweet! Via Population: One.
Author: mizkit
friday five
I kind of like this meme, so: Friday Five: 1. What was the last song you heard? I don’t know, but Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen From Mars (Bon Jovi, Crush), is stuck in my head. 2. What were the last two movies you saw? Cradle 2 the Grave and um. About Schmidt. 3. What were the last three things you purchased? Dinner, lunch and … five dollars of postage. 4. What four things do you need to do this weekend? Road trip to Kenai for Dairy Queen! Swim,…
holy cow
Holy cow. DC has just acquired the rights to ElfQuest. Holy cow. I’m astounded! Buh!
eee! eee!
Eee! Eee! Anna bleached her hair this time! Eee! Eee! Photo taken in Sept 2002 in Vancouver, offduty. Eee! Eee! *happy dance, happy dance*!
how odd
How odd. Comment down there this morning asking if I’d be interested in writing a review for Cradle 2 the Grave for some of the movie websites. Huh. I’ll probably do it, of course. :) This morning’s political moment:’s got a petition they’re sending to the UN Security council asking the members to vote against the Iraqi war resolution. They’re trying to get 750,000 petitioners to sign and are already past 550,000. So if you’re inclined to sign, Now I have to go see if the puppy’s being…