zum zum

2600 yard swim this morning. That was nice. Except my shoulder hurts now. I need to go back to the chiro and get him to fix this damned knot. Went to Daredevil again. Ted saw Peter in the X2 trailer and Hulk didn’t look quite as bad the second time around (I’ll go see it anyway, because I enjoy watching Jennifer Connelly be luminous) and Shaun liked Daredevil pretty well and I thought it stood up to a second viewing in 3 days, so that’s cool. Then we went out…

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Gnft. Unexpected writing blort hit me right after I went to bed. No 1800 word writing accident tonight, but almost 500 words and the beginning of a new book which I’ll work on… sometime. Not necessarily sometime soon, but sometime. Bed now. Jeez. ytd wordcount: 52,660

curses, again!

Curses, again! Ted and I went out to dinner at an Italian restaurant tonight. We got there and they said the wait would be an hour and a half (this place doesn’t take reservations). So we left. And, having already done the other thing we’d planned to do on Valentine’s Day — seeing Daredevil — we sorta went, “Er well hm” and then we bought some fishsticks for dinner and X1.5 and went home and watched tv and movie clips and outtakes all night. So, well, there. There ya go.…

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oh! writing fu!

Oh! Writing fu that I forgot to mention! Last night I popped over to the post office and sent the S&3 of Urban Shaman off to Tor, hooray hooray! Wish it luck! And this morning I was talking out some problems with Angles with Sarah, and she came up with a *great* solution to one of the problems. Now that I’ve got the issue of Kate’s adventure dealt with, there’s only one more problem to overcome and then I’ll be ready to rewrite! *dancie dancie dance*!


Curses! My immortal heritage has been found out! Chrisber showed me that this morning. I thought it was pretty funny. Aside from the eyebrows, it’s really a pretty darned good likeness. *giggle* Oh my god. Daredevil kicked ass. Hulk is going to suck. But X2 is going to ROCK!!!! There was a new X2 trailer with the movie last night, and let me put it this way: what they’re doing with Rogue made me go, “YES!” and pump my fist and kick my feet and squirm with excitement and glee.…

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