bfe: oatmeal, 8oz oj. toast with honey. egg salad sandwich, milk. licked the bowl of cake mix. :) steak bits, spinach, tater tots & milk. licked icing bowl. :) cake & ice cream (WOW good!)
Author: mizkit
Woot woot! My drawing is all framed and ready to go! It didn’t take 2 weeks like they said it would ’cause they had the frame in town. Woot woot! I wanna go get it! Woot woot!
bfe: oatmeal. toast w/honey. egg salad sandwich, milk & 2 cookies. chili, ritz crackers & milk.
catherine murphys
Due to something my friend Christi said today, I went and looked up other Catherine Murphys on the net. I found, among others, a biochemist, an artist, an athlete, a composer and a passenger on the Titanic. And three hundred thirty three thousand other hits, but I gave up after the first four pages or so. :)
‘k, so I’m going to start making what Flit calls Boring Food Entries. Not because I’m in search of homeopathic remedies and/or food triggers that make me ill, and not even really to make me watch my diet. It’s more to try to keep myself honest about what I’m eating (which, I grant you, may very well prod me to watch my diet). I did this for a while several months ago, when I /was/ trying to figure out what was making me ill, but I didn’t keep it publically.…