Oh! On Saturday we brought my Virgo drawing over to the frame shop to be framed. Ted, who is Very Picky about That Sort of Thing (Ted could do frame work for a living, if he wanted to; he’s very good at it) is Dissatisfied With the Matting. We chose a nice rich brown suede for the matting, but he wanted a mat with more orange in it than they had available. They had one with too much, and one with not enough, and I settled on the one with…
Author: mizkit
purr, take 2
Hmph. I was in the midst of typing up an entry when my computer crashed. boom! No BSoD, just froze right up. Hmph. So I went and made bread. Anyway, I’m feeling all spoiled and purrful ’cause I got offline early last night and took a bubble bath and shaved my legs and read a book — okay, actually, the book wasn’t that good, but despite that, it added to the decadence of the whole thing. Tonight I will go swim. Today I might order ice skates. :)
Here’s a pretty cool article about the idiotic extension of copyright laws and some people who have managed to get their case to the Supreme Court. I hope the Supreme Court agrees with them: I think it’s hideous that Disney is forcibly extending the copyright laws to protect Mickey freaking Mouse. I was all pissed off when it happened — all talk, mind you, ’cause I didn’t do what this pair are doing — but pissed off anyway. So I hope they win!
gyms & things
It is my hope to swim this evening. We’ll see what else happens, but it is my hope to swim. I’m going to join the Masters’ team at APU. They swim mornings on MWF, so I may, to keep myself in schedule, swim TR mornings at UAA. Which would make my UAA alumni gym membership still useful, which would be pleasing to me. I wish I knew where to find ice skates for wide feet. I’d like to be able to skate at UAA, too. Having said that, I look…
Rassle frassle snarl gnrr! I missed buying the present I wanted to get for Sarah’s birthday AGAIN. *Mutter* OTOH, I got her the other one, so all is well. :)