God damn it. I did a whole shitload of work yesterday and I’m finding pieces of it that have been fucked up by my QA guy and I am *really* not happy about this. And he’s been in meetings all goddamned day and I don’t know what happens if I *fix* the fucking things because I don’t know what he was /doing/ with them. *frustration* *sigh*
Author: mizkit
Well, *that* was nothing like getting up 15 minutes earlier. But then, I slept very badly. A lot of tossing and turning and waking up. Stupid cats.
Well, I got up 15 minutes earlier in sort of the hopes that if I got up 15 minutes earlier every day it wouldn’t suck quite so much to get up at 5am on the 1st. Of course, if I get up 15 minutes earlier every day including weekends I’ll only be getting up at 6am on the 28th, which still means trying to drag my sorry ass out of bed an hour earlier suddenly. Stupid February with only 28 days. If it had 31 like a SENSIBLE month .…
Art class went pretty well tonight. It took me several drawings to finally get the idea of what Tessa was talking about, for the first set of drawings, but then I got it, and she said I’d gotten it, so, well, that was good. And then the second thing we worked on was crosshatching, which I can do, so, cool. Then we did, um, something else, and then we did a couple of ‘things I need to work on’ sketches, so I worked on perspective/foreshortening, and I think one of…
kinda weird
That was kinda weird. I just went out to the mailbox to put some mail in it, and it was very bright, and I happened to have my sunglasses in my pocket, so I took my glasses off and put the shades on. I don’t remember the last time I went outside without corrective lenses. It is very big out there. Very big and very . . . fuzzy. Weird.