okay, that didn’t suck

Okay, that didn’t suck. I just got email from Ri-Sean Miller, who is one of the other people listed at classmates.com that I’d like to be in touch with besides Jim, so, okay, that didn’t suck. :) Anybody else wanna email me? :)

hah hah!

Hah hah! Jai *has* set her journal public! Hah hah!

oh yeah

Oop. I was supposed to mention, for the benefit of any family members that read this page (Hi, Kerry!) that Deirdre is getting married next summer, on or about the 21st of June, and people ought to plan to come to the wedding. :)


Sigh. I hate that SimpleMU* uses ^w to switch windows, when ^w closes most programs down. I meant to alt-tab from my IE window to my SimpleMU* window, and instead I ^w’d and closed down a five paragraph entry in my webpage. Ok, this is one big huge flag-waving plus for writing webpages in a telnet window instead of a browser/windows program. Sigh. I had been saying “ew” before, but it’s lost all its meaning now. Several ews. Which do not make a herd of sheep. Ew #1 was that…

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I have GOT to start getting up earlier. This is stupid. *mutter* Um. And that’s all I have to say. I had a thought in my head earlier that I was going to extend into a page update, but apparently the thought disappeared somewhere between getting out of bed and getting to the computer. It’s all those stairs, I tell you.