He’s Gonna Send the Water From Zion

Recent climate reports say the Western Antarctic Ice Shelf (WAIS) has reached a tipping point. Comparatively warm water is coming up and melting it from beneath where it’s attached to land, and all that’s keeping it from working its way into a lower-than-sea-level valley where it can loosen the entire WAIS is a granite bulge. There is no stopping it from cresting that bulge; the only question now is when. At the moment the predictions are that water will continue to rise on the order of millimeters per year for…

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oh my GOD why did none of you TELL me about LXD (Legion of Extraordinary Dancers)? STREET DANCING SUPERHEROES, GUYS, AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME. YOU ARE ALL FIRED! Ted found the first season on Netflix the other night and thought “Catie must watch this.” Furthermore, he knew which two episodes I would like best before I watched them. Now we must watch the rest of them!

Picoreview: Godzilla

Picoreview: Godzilla: too long, too loud, and with no reason to stay through the credits. In some regards great (particularly Godzilla itself, which looked and fought like a man in an extremely sophisticated rubber suit, which I mean as a compliment); in others, infuriating. I’m not, for what it’s worth, an original Godzilla fan, and I went to see it mostly because I lacked the extra ten minutes last night that would have allowed me to go to see a play instead. I paid no attention at all to the…

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man flu

My son has the Man Flu. This was an observation made by his father last night as we listened to him moan and whimper, and while I don’t know if small girls make these same sounds when sick (presumably they do), the similarities between Indy’s complaints and Ted’s when he’s sick were so exact as to be very funny. :) Ted, however, doesn’t generally throw up on me. Poor child. This was by far the biggest throw-up he’s ever done, and he had *no* idea what was happening, but was…

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Recent Reads: Abandon Trilogy

I picked up ABANDON, by Meg Cabot, at the bookstore a couple months ago, and it ws the nearest handy book a few nights ago, so I foolishly started reading it at 9:30pm. I was brave, and managed to not read more than about six chapters past the one (ortwoorthree) I’d intended to when I picked it up. The Abandon Trilogy is a modern-day Persephone story, with quite a lot of clever interpretation of myth. Our heroine has had a near death experience and came out of it messed up…

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