more media plans :)

I just discovered Ron Perlman is on Twitter (he’s perlmutations, since the resounding response from my Twitter feed was WHAT WHERE?!) and this has somehow immediately blown out of control into an 2014 International Re-Watch Beauty and the Beast-fest, so, y’know, if you’ve been meaning to do that, we’ll be doing that next year. An episode a week, probably, starting early (but probably not instantly) in the new year, with live tweeting. :) Along with re-reading Guy Gavriel Kay’s novels and clearning out my TBR pile. That should pretty well…

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birthday books

Upon the occasion of his 11th birthday, we gave our older nephew THE SWORD OF SHANNARA, A PRINCESS OF MARS and the Complete Novels of Sherlock Holmes. He opened the Shannara book and looked at it with great dubiousness, proclaiming, “I’ve never heard of Terry Brooks.” “This time last year, you hadn’t heard of David Eddings, whom you now love,” I said. “Oh yeah,” he said thoughtfully. “How did I find out about David Eddings?” “Aunt Catie gave you the books,” my sister Deirdre said dryly, and he c said,…

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Aer Lingus: Fail

My parents had Adventures in Airlines flying to America in October, and have been trying to resolve it since returning home. This is a repost of my Mom’s latest update on the situation: I’ve been trying for a couple months to get a response from Aer Lingus regarding our trip to America in mid-October. Today I received a “donotreply” from them in which they cheerfully acknowledged that their agent screwed up, but essentially said, “Too bad.” My reaction is to write to the only source available to me, which is…

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Picoreview: The Desolation of Smaug

Picoreview: The Desolation of Smaug: It is my personal hope that there will be a 2 hour Director’s Cut of The Hobbit that only has, you know. The stuff in the book. We re-watched An Unexpected Journey last night, which is frankly a long, long movie in which almost nothing happens. Smaug possibly, if you look at it sideways, has more happen, but (major structural spoilers ahoy)

The TBR Shelf Listing:

Not, infuriatingly, in alphabetical order, because my books aren’t that organized right now, grr. There are several I’ve got on my e-reader that I’m not going to list right now because it’s too much effort to turn it on, and some I’ll hopefully get for Christmas, but yeah. There’s already 50 books on this list and that’s not including (save one) the GGK re-reread. And then in 2015 I will read ALL THE BOOKS BY PEOPLE I KNOW that I am not caught up on, because gawd. Seriously, if I…

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