The course of my social media morning: I see an image of a duck in a Batsuit, with BATFLECK across the top, and an image below of it of a horrified Batman. I am mildly amused and keep scrolling. I see “They need another Batman for the underserved white male demographic. Can’t you feel their pain?” I put the those two things together and think “…nah.” Then I see someone say “Ben Affleck, Batman? What cruel parallel world have we entered?” after which the friends list and follow list and…
Author: mizkit
Kitsnaps: Unimpressed
The humans, however, were all *very* admiring.
of course…
…with the return of Kitsnaps I’m going to have to try desperately to get regular blog posts up more often or this will look like a photography blog. Which is fine, it’s just not, you know, what I actually do professionally or anything. :) Speaking of what I do professionally, the SHAMAN RISES manuscript currently goes like this: CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE (page break) CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN so I’d better get to it, eh? In unrelated news, I’ve almost got the dining room sorted out, and have discovered how few *books* we now…
Kitsnaps: Tasty
I spent a fair bit of time chasing bees around flowers at the Botanic Gardens in late July, so there may be several photos like this over the next weeks. :)
Kitsnaps: Did You Miss Me?
Did You Miss Me? (AKA The Triumphant Return of Kitsnaps!) Seriously, it’s taken two full months to get the desktop computer set up, and I had a couple hundred photos to go through (which is kind of a lame number, since I haven’t used the camera at all this month :p), but I am finally back with Kitsnaps, and hope to return to daily posting. And I finally got a good picture of a robin. :)