Ah. I have once more totally missed the boat on World Fantasy Award nominations, for which BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER & OTHER TALES OF THE OLD RACES is eligible as a single-author collection for the publication year 2012. Today, as it turns out, is the last day for nominations. If you happen to be a WFC member, and you care to make a last-minute rush on nominating BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER, http://www.wfc2013.org/wfballot01.html :) I am really not very good at this awards pursuit thing, which is kind of too bad in this…
Author: mizkit
Okay, this one’s kind of a cheat, I admit it. STONEMASTER is the (working title for the) second book I’ve written for my nephew, out of a planned quadrology, and about 25 people in the world have read the first one. That’s about the number that will read the second one, too, until I acquire an agent and a book deal, but the reason for reading it was to prepare myself for writing the third book in the series. These are (from an admittedly biased point of view) pretty rollicking…
guys, guys, vonda mcintyre commented on my blog. i mean, it was on judy’s post and everything, but VONDA MCINTYRE commented on my blog! *quietly dies of squee* The Stockholm blog is getting a lot of good commentary, and over the next week or so I have some hope of bringing stuff up out of comments for wider discussion. Thank you guys all for participating. This has been a lot of fun!
Kitsnaps: St Coleman’s Cathedral
St Coleman’s Cathedral overlooks Cobh in a most impressive manner. This is one of probably six or so pictures I’ve taken of it that I like quite a lot. This post, incidentally, marks 4 months of weekday posts of Kitsnaps. It’s doing what I hoped it would make me do, which is go through older photos and organize them to at least some degree, as well as helping to encourage me to get out and take a few more pictures (admittedly mostly at the zoo). Sometimes it’s Monday morning before…
Escaping Stockholm
By reader request, I’m posting Judith’s entire Escaping Stockholm essay as one post, too, for ease of linking and perhaps ease of discussion. I shall, however, put it all behind a cut tag straight off, in order to not re-flood the friends’ list. :) If you wish to break it out and read each section individually, here you go: Part One | Part Two | Part Three Otherwise, onward!