Sea Lion

Kitsnaps: Sea Lion

It’s not easy to get a picture of a diving sea lion when you’ve got to manually focus the heavy lens and keep an eye on a dashing little boy!

the essential kit

too. many. books.

I know it’s blasphemy, but argh, there are too. many. books. in this house. Between Christmas and EasterCon, I (we, but I cop to it: *I*) had some significant Bookstores Accidents, and while this is most of the time merely inconvenient because there are never enough shelves, when I’m facing moving, all I can really wonder is why I didn’t bloody well buy digital copies of ALL THESE BOOKS. I mean, I know why. It’s far, far more satisfying to go browse and buy physical books than it is to…

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Rene’s Ginger Snaps

Ginger Snaps 3/4 c vegetable shortening 1 c sugar 1/4 c molasses 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp ginger 1/2 tsp cloves 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 2 c flour Melt shortening in a large pot over a low heat. Cool a bit, then add sugar, molasses and egg. Mix well (it won’t completely mix together). Stir in spices, then add the flour and mix thoroughly. Chill in fridge until completely cold. Form 1 inch balls, roll in white sugar, and bake at 350/175/gas mark…

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the essential kit

Laydeez Do Comics

Last night Maura McHugh and Lynda Rucker launched the inaugural Laydeez Do* Comics event in Dublin. It was an enormously successful launch, with 3 excellent speakers (Sarah McIntyre, Alan Nolan and Maeve Clancy) and around 15-20 attendees. I saw people I knew, met new people, and met some people who knew me. :) As always, going and talking to people about comics makes me desperately want to do them. In my copious free time. *agonize* I have this ever-growing pile of script ideas, and just aaguuuugh! I know people who…

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Kitsnaps: Rhinos

We were hoping to get a picture of the new baby rhino at the Dublin Zoo, but although I caught a 2-second glimpse of him, there was not a photo opportunity. But some of the others were helpfully hanging out looking large and rock-like. :)