Irish Serengeti

Kitsnaps: Irish Serengeti

Taken at Fota Wildlife Park in Cork, which is really utterly fabulous and you should go. :)

a Doctor Who observation

Okay, so I came to Doctor Who through New Who and haven’t watched any of the Old Who. I came to it with the following knowledge: The Doctor is a Time Lord who regenerates (thus allowing more than one actor to play the part) and who travels through time and space with (usually) human companions who have been caught up in his wake. This being the sum total of what I knew about the show, there’s something that’s happen(ed)(ing) with New Who that I get the impression is…not as it…

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Ivy Gravestone

Kitsnaps: Ivy Gravestone

This is the first photograph I took with a digital SLR, in January 2006. I’d bought the camera (the Nikon D50 that recently died) on eBay and had to have it shipped to a friend in the US, because reasons. He thought I was batshit. insane. for having bought a thousand dollar camera kit. Absolutely could not understand why somebody would do that. But he forwarded the camera on to me anyway, if bemusedly. Ten days later or so I posted this picture and his eyes nearly fell out of…

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the essential kit

extraordinary people

So I was reading something–probably Kate Elliott ()’s fabulous The Omniscient Breasts–and some guy was commenting (to paraphrase), “Why would anybody want to read epic fantasy about women, who basically got married at fourteen and stayed pregnant their whole lives and never went five miles from where they were born?” I find the blindered attitude behind that to be staggering. I mean, unless this guy is working under the delusion that actually every male in history has left home, become a knight, discovered he’s the lost orphaned king of the…

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Ring Road

Kitsnaps: Ring Road

Taken in the west of Cork, on the road to Bantry. Or rather, on a side road that we followed up into the hills because they claimed there would be a standing stone ring up there somewhere. There was–the cover of NO DOMINION features them in the background–but Ted was the only one brave enough/wearing the right shoes to actually get over to the stones to take pictures. However, looking back over the road there lent itself nicely to my Road Home series. :)