This is what happens when you take an over-exposed photograph of a grey wolf on a fairly bright day. Also, that intent expression? That’s because this shot was taken at exactly the moment the wolf noticed Young Indiana. That is a wolf who is thinking, “Lunch!” The next shot I have of him he’s got his head lowered and is prowling down the hill after Young Indiana. :)
Author: mizkit
Magic & Manners: Chapter Two
With further apologies to Jane Austen, I present to you the second chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS, which is what happens when I get it into my head to wonder what PRIDE & PREJUDICE would be like if it was not a lack of wealth that beleaguered the Bennet sisters, but rather an excess of magic… Chapter One is here or here, if you want to read it on LJ. Chapter Two commences behind the cut. :)
I just finished reading Carol Berg’s THE DAEMON PRISM (which, like nearly everything Carol writes, is on my list of Favorite Books), and it got me to thinking about what makes epic work and what makes it work on a huge, international bestseller level. Carol’s epic fantasy usually focuses on a handful of people, rather than a cast of thousands, like (for example) GRRM. They’re very different storytelling styles and obviously bring different things to the table, both of which I find appealing in different ways. I wonder if one…
Kitsnaps: Long Tail
An exceedingly proud fellow. :)
another busy day
We had another busy day, which involved seeing an unexpectedly large number of friends. Importantly, I learned how to use the panorama feature on my new phone. :) I tell you what, though, it verges on bizarre to go out for a whole afternoon with other adults and not have to trade off parenting hours. For which we are *very* grateful to my mom in particular. And it was lovely to see people, particularly Ruth, to whom I had not expected to wish happy birthday in person. :) Then Ted…