We had a busy day out at the zoo, where I concluded that the 18-100mm lens, while much easier to carry (nevermind focus, since it’s got auto-focus and my Big Lens doesn’t), is not really up to the task of Kitsnaps-quality images. The absurd megapixels on the new camera makes up for that to some degree, but I fear I wasn’t, overall, enormously satisfied with today’s photography. Which isn’t to say I didn’t get some nice pictures, of which this wee series is one of my favorites: It was really…
Author: mizkit
Kitsnaps: Dublin Christchurch at night
Know what I haven’t done this week? That’s right, I haven’t moved any of my Kitsnaps from the old drive to the new one. *shakes a tiny fist at self* Oh well, I have the weekend, right? This is (I think) the last of the night shots we did a few years back. I really love night photography and someday will get to do more. :)
so. many. good. things.
I keep finding recipes that look magnificent and discovering food sites that have all kinds of swoonable-looking meals. They’re evenly split between pure junk food and really healthy eating stuff, and I keep looking at the healthy eating stuff and wishing I would actually make these things (I’m far more likely to make the other stuff, because I love to bake, whereas I only tolerate having to cook). And then I find Thug Kitchen (warning: this guy spews profanity left right and center. It’s obviously intended to be over the…
Recent Reads: LET IT BLEED
LET IT BLEED is book 3.5 of the WVMP RADIO urban fantasy series by my friend Jeri Smith-Ready, and is what happens when the publisher decides they want four books instead of five and the author turns the salient events of book four into a novella to offer her readers for free so she can wrap up the series in a way she feels is satisfying. This is in every way awesome. And the novella is, in and of itself, fine. My problem is with a decision Jeri’s made for…
Kitsnaps: Glasnevin Tower
I just like the wide-angled lens, okay? :)