St Coleman’s Cathedral in Cobh, reflected in the harbour.
Author: mizkit
So cool!
Okay, that’s awesome. I just got an email from a friend–the father of the boy that Billy Holliday’s son Robert is named for, in fact–who said he was hanging out with his son’s class on a beach day, and he (the father) was reading the Dresden Files. A girl asked what it was about, and he said “A wizard in Chicago.” “Oh, cool,” she said. “I’m reading something similar, but I can’t remember the writer’s name right now. I’ll get it for you.” “Heh,” my friend said, “I actually know…
Kitsnaps: Celtic Cross II
I feel that this one is a particular triumph, for the grain of the wood and all. I suspect I’d like it *even more* if I’d had a 40 or 50mm lens to take it with, so that the depth of focus was more dramatic, but I’m very fond of this picture. Possibly I’m just fond of taking pictures of Celtic crosses, mind you. :) (ps, if you saw this last week, YOU NEVER SAW THIS LAST WEEK!!! O.O :))
Not this world.
Me, to Mom: Want to do some hired sitting this week? Mom: What book are you about to write now? Me: Just polishing up the last Walker Papers. NEXT week I get to write the Spirit of the Century novel for Fred Hicks/. Mom: In a *week*? Me: It’s only 60K. It is possible there is something wrong with me. (And also, no, I am not going to be writing a 60K novel in a week, although it’s *theoretically* possible. That theoretical world, however, is not this one. :))
Ted sent me out of the house today to write, which was an unexpected gift. So I went away, surprised myself by writing 5K in 3 hours, and finished SHAMAN RISES. The last words of Joanne’s adventures have now been written. Wow. I mean, there’s revision work to do, both of my own and editor-requested when those come along, but yeah. I’ve wrapped it up, and I’m surprisingly satisfied with the ending. I shall celebrate by watching at least one and perhaps TWO episodes of Downton Abbey. :)