I have a perpetual case of “Ooh, shiny!” in terms of wanting to do new projects; everyone, I think, knows that at this point. (And I am doing my damndest to keep it under control, but nevermind that right now.) Part of this is because new things are fun; part of it is unquestionably financially motivated. At EasterCon, I was talking with Walter Jon Williams about selling through Amazon (“I get a nice check every month from them,” he said. “It’s a bit like receiving your pension from Darth Vader,…
Author: mizkit
We Will Rock You
So my friend won tickets to see “We Will Rock You” in Dublin and put out a call on FB to see if anybody wanted to go with him. I said, “Me, me!” and so we went. Let me make this clear: “We Will Rock You” is pretty awful…and yet by the end of it, even I, who knows better, went away feeling like I’d seen a great show. I’m a tough audience; most people are not going to have the problems I had with the show, and my frequently…
Kitsnaps: Ha’Penny Bridge
Ha’Penny Bridge is Dublin’s oldest bridge, and for a long time, the only bridge over which you could cross the River Liffy. It cost a ha’penny (a half penny) to do so, hence the name.
postage sale!
We are moving. I am consequently prepared to dump a lot of my author copies of books, and am therefore doing a Postage Sale. You pay postage, I send you a signed copy of the book(s) you ask for. You must respond on this entry at Livejournal or you will not get a book no matter how nicely you ask. Mass markets are $7 each. Trades are $12 each. This is somewhat steep, but so, I’m afraid, is international postage. It doesn’t get cheaper if you buy a bunch of…
Hugo, Arthur C Clarke Awards…
My takeaway from the (now annual) kerfuffle surrounding the Hugos (and now the Arthur C Clarke award, as it has just been announced to have an all-male shortlist) is twofold: 1. I must spend more time developing my friends list, Twitter follows, and Facebook friends*, because clearly women who write urban fantasy will only be nominated for such crap if they have a lot of brainless girl readers who are willing to boost them up**, since after all, books people just like to read obviously shouldn’t end up on award…