This was not an easy picture to take. :)
Author: mizkit
Still not doing it…
I’m still not running any, but boy, I sure can think of a lot of Kickstarters that would be fun to do. :) No: there are other projects that need finishing first. But even so. :) Speaking of them, though, Judith Tarr’s second Kickstarter is in its last week, and is mere dollars away from the next goal. I have great hopes of a last-days surge putting it up to $10K, which would be SO COOL. Go go Kickstarting Judy! And while I’m admiring Judy, she’s written a terrific article,…
My friends list is going to fill up with this in about five minutes, but I have to say something anyway. Author Iain Banks has just announced he has terminal cancer. God damn it. I *like* Iain Banks. I was very much looking forward to seeing him again at WorldCon in London. Dammit, dammit, dammit. I met Iain at MeCon in Belfast not long after moving to Ireland, but long enough that I was a guest at the convention. Dinner with Iain, his partner Adele, and several others was the…
Kitsnaps: Deirdre
There’s not much evidence of it in my portfolio, but my favorite kind of photography is portraits. I have a project in mind (don’t I always?) to celebrate 2016 in Ireland, with a theme/subtitle of something along the lines of “Children of the Revolution: The Ireland Michael Collins Never Imagined,” that focuses heavily (but not exclusively) on Ireland as an immigrant, rather than an emigrant, state. It would be either 100 or 200 photos, probably: half of them portrait shots, and half images of the same people ‘in context’, at…
a clever thought
I keep thinking, man, I need to sort everything and clean everything and get it ready to pack. Really what I should do is sort and clean as I pack, thus killing three birds with one stone. It’ll be at least three weeks before we’re in danger of moving, and possibly a couple-three months, so it’s certainly time enough, and would be by far the most sensible way to do things. All I need is someone to keep me company while I do all that work. @.@ :)