Our landlords stopped by a couple nights ago to say they wouldn’t be renewing our lease, as one of them wants to move back into the house. We were kind of expecting/planning to move anyway, but now we’re definitely moving. The nice thing is if we find a place before our lease is up they’re not going to hold us to it. It’s at times like this I wish I was a minimalist. :p It’s at times like this I also think I need to learn to buy my music…
Author: mizkit
Anti-Capitalism: The Musical!
A couple weeks ago I posted about the musical my sister is developing. I filmed the performance they did, and she’s got the video up now: She’s now trying to get Arts Council funding for further development, and needs a whole lot of local support in the form of: – a director – a production manager – a stage manager – a producer – a costume designer – a set designer – a dramaturg – an Arts Council-funded venue willing to support her Now, here’s some of the tricky stuff:…
oh yay!
Judith Tarr is doing another Kickstarter! This one’s space opera. I cannot wait to read it. I am full of joy and happiness that she’s running another Kickstarter, and just *glows* We live in such a cool time right now, for writers (for artists!). The ability to connect directly with our readers, to offer projects like this, to try things we might not otherwise get a chance to…it’s just such an amazing thing, something that ten years ago would have been just about impossible to comprehend, and I’m so delighted…
chugga chugga
16.5K in the past two days. Pretty good. If I can get 5K in tomorrow (she said dubiouly) I’ll be at 60K on the book going into the four remaining days of this blitz. I am at the stage of the book where I’m not at all convinced I have enough story to get to the wordcount I need. The flip side of that is: last book. It’s going to need denouement. Possibly quite a lot of denouement. So I’m probably fine. I said nervously. A young woman with a…