Once in a while we go out and do a night shoot. This is the Dublinia footbridge, a medieval bridge that connects Christchurch (directly to the right of this photo) to, er, whatever the Dublinia building used to be. Well. I mean, it still connects it, but probably in Days Of Yore, the building across the street did not house a history-of-Dublin tourist thing. :) Ten-second exposure or so, which I had to shoot several times to get a really appealing set of vehicle lights going under the bridge. :)
Author: mizkit
Kitsnaps: Dandelion
To make up for yesterday’s snapshot, today we have Art. :) I took this for a photography class. The actual purpose of the assignment was working on depth of field, and the original of the photo turned out splendidly. But I was screwing around with it in Photoshop and accidentally (effortlessly) blacked out the background. I thought. “Woo! Art!” and kept a copy like that. It gets more awesome the larger it’s displayed at, because the detail is very sharp and clean. But I shall refrain from posting a giant-sized…
A lovely weekend!
We had a very busy and lovely weekend in these parts. Friday was my sister’s work-in-progress performance of the musical she’s writing. It was *splendid*, with four songs, the first of which was so awesome that the audience just sat there gaping at the end of it. The others were equally good, and the audience (of 60-70, which is a quite remarkably full house for the venue and for a work-in-progress) was utterly rapt. I filmed it, and when she puts together her promotional video I’ll link to it here.…
Snapshots: Zoo Primates
I particularly like this picture of the cousins together at the zoo a few weeks ago. Not so much because it’s Art as because what a bunch of cuties. :)
Last summer I bought a Spider-Man hoodie. I actually went in for a Captain America one, because I’d seen somebody wearing one and thought it was awesome beyond words, but they were sold out. (Oh look. Think Geek has one. *stares at it covetously*) Ahem. Anyway. But they had the Spidey one, and I’ve had a crush on Spider-Man since I was like three, so I got it. Yesterday I went to a performance of the musical my sister has written, directed and produced (! how freaking awesome is that?…