Christchurch in Cobh

Kitsnaps: Christchurch, Cobh

This is another one of my absolute favorite photographs. This was taken in Cobh (pronounced Cove), which is one of the prettiest places I’ve lived, on a morning after it had rained. The air was consequently clear and washed away of mist, which is as pervasive in Ireland as legend has it. One ceases to notice the soft air most of the time, but when rain has beaten it from the sky, the crispness *is* noticeable. So everything was unusually clear this particular morning, and I thought the vibrance of…

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Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy


I am making people cry with MOUNTAIN ECHOES. Triumph! :) People have asked, so let me say it here: the audio version will probably be out on March 1, which is the official release date. Similarly with any e-book versions you cannot currently find; they may not be out until March 1. I have absolutely no control over this, and hope you are able to find the format of your choice soon. :) The NO DOMINION sale continues through March 1, MOUNTAIN’s official release date. Get it in print or…

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Bumble Butt

Kitsnaps: Bumble Butt

This photo is so captioned because I knew it would make my nephews laugh. And it did. Therefore, this picture is a total success. :) Except eventually it did occur to me that being in Ireland and all now, I really should have called it Bumble Bum. Oh well. :)

Stormcloud sunset

retreat! retreat!

I awakened this morning with the not-unfamiliar conviction that the only smart thing to do would be return to Alaska’s North Road and homestead in preparation for coming social and climate collapse. I assume this is perfectly normal.

Kitsnaps: Ancient Queens & Modern Schemes

Kitsnaps: Ancient Queens & Modern Schemes

This is my favorite picture from the recent trip to London: Boudicca and the Millenium Wheel. I just like the juxtaposition of ancient and modern. And it’s in a snowstorm. For the win. :)