Dear grod. I started this blog entry when I managed to record several episodes of season 1 X-Files and watch them. I thought that was 12 or 15 months ago, a little more than a year maybe, but I have just discovered that the last time I updated this file was October 10, 2010. Good grief. Anyway, so I’m going to post this now, as I got the whole series on DVD recently, and just started at the beginning. This does not start at the beginning; it covers episodes 7-14.…
Author: mizkit
Wish I’d thought of that.
New Novel Re-tells ‘Pride and Prejudice’ From Servants’ Perspective. Wish I’d thought of that. Also, a romance novelist with a 20 year career turns out to be an 89 year old man. Awesome. :)
shame, shame :)
After all the helpful answers yesterday about Kitsnaps photos, I forgot to set one to post this morning. You’re all certainly good for my ego, so shame on me. :) But it’s okay, because my AWESOME WEB DESIGNER is telling me all kinds of nifty things that WordPress can do that I didn’t know about, and we are going to make Kitsnaps BIGGER! STRONGER! FASTER! Or something like that. This will be AWESOME. With AWESOMENESS on the side! (Actually, now that you mention it, I may have been watching Kung…
Apparently breast milk contains pluripotent stem cells–those are the ones that can turn into any cell in the body. That has got to be one of the most awesome discoveries of the century, and will be at the end of the century, too. As my cousin said, “That explains a lot about why breast milk seems to have such great healing properties.” Wow. Just wow. An astronaut’s Tumblr. Seriously, the photos here. Just wow. How zinc works on the immune system–and why less is more with it. That’s kinda cool.…
kitsnaps: snow leopard
Until this past month I’d never caught more than a glimpse of the snow leopards at Dublin Zoo. They’re very shy and usually hiding in their den, but the colder weather has, I guess, brought them out. They are *so* gorgeous, holy beans. I must go back and haunt the zoo some more before the weather warms up, because I’d love to get some more pictures. Honestly, not all the Kitsnaps will be zoo pictures. It’s just they’re what I’ve got handy right now. Once I’ve got my act together…