I can’t quite get used to clicking the ‘home’ button on my browser and having mizkit.com actually come back up again. It makes me happy every time, which is good, because for the first month it was down I couldn’t look at the ad farm without spasming with rage. I amused myself this afternoon while getting the MOUNTAIN ECHOES give-aways packed up. Hopefully I will have also amused the recipients, when it comes to that. :) Slightly longer than intended “Mansfield Park” picoreview behind the cut, for mild spoilers.
Author: mizkit
I’ll be in my bunk.
I’ve just realized that things like this are what Pintrest is for, isn’t it? Instead of having an “awesome stuff” in my Flickr set, you use Pintrest. Only I don’t know if you can then stick a Pintrest picture on a blog any more easily than you can do with Flickr. Can you? Because I suppose I’ll make a Pintrest account if you can…
The Story of Mizkit’s Downtime
Is too much. I sum up. Stupidity. Rampant, rampant stupidity. The slightly longer version is that due to Reasons, I believed that mizkit.com was registered through one domain registrar when she was in fact registered through another. When her time was up, I paid the bill at Registar One, only to find out too late that I should’ve been paying it at Registrar Two. By that time, Registrar One, who are a bunch of f*ckers (do not, for the love of god, use Jumpline) had set up mizkit.com as an…
we’re back.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Fred Hicks, who did all this WHILE RUNNING A $433K KICKSTARTER, and Laura Hobbs, mizkit.com is back up. I’m not crying. Really.
Recent Reads: EMERGENCE
Having unpacked the books we couldn’t do without, I picked up one of my all-time favorites, David Palmer’s EMERGENCE, to re-read it. As I’ve no doubt said before, re-reading old favorites is fraught with tension, because what if they don’t hold up? EMERGENCE holds up. It holds up in spades. There are some moments of unintentional amusement and cognitive dissonance, particularly regarding microfiche libraries and Russians as The Bad Guys(TM), but even if you put the book in an absolutely modern context there’s an argument for the microfiche, so it…