Or more relevantly, why does the to-do list never seem to get *shorter*? Speaking of which (heh) I wonder if I should put together a 2013 calendar. Not today, anyway. But speaking of calendars, I’m putting the Kickstarter calendar together and putting out one last call to see if anybody’s got photos they’d be willing to share, since the theme of it seems to be “CE Murphy Urban (forgive me) FANtasy”, and numerous fan-type people have offered up photos from places my urban fantasy novels are set. I’m particularly looking…
Author: mizkit
preposterously awesome
We all know I have a coat problem. Slightly less well-known is my bag problem, which is particularly incomprehensible because I don’t usually carry one. I would, however, give up all the other rarely used bags in favor of never using this one: Seriously, I do not know what level of kick-ass one has to conquer in order to deserve one of those, but I have major, major bag lust. But of course, what color would I get it in? The brown seems somehow sexier, but the black, more practical!…
The Final Quest
ElfQuest: The Final Quest, page six. Whoa. What is going on with Moonshade? * Page One Page Two Page Three Page Four Page Five
Ocotocon 2012
The weekend was spent at Octocon, which went very, very well, I thought. I finally got to meet Liz Williams, of whom I’ve been a fan for years and an LJ-correspondent for–well, fewer years. :) She’s a lovely woman, and it was absolutely fantastic to get to hang out with her a bit. I shanghaied her on to at least one, possibly two, panels, and I thought not only they, but all the others, went fairly well. Also, I apparently said something brilliant during one of them (or at least,…
(but not the technicolor kind) Last year when I was doing pinup girl stuff, I had a quite vivid dream about a coat that went with one of my outfits. I’ve been meaning to do a sketch of it, and finally got around to it. It’s got a ridiculous full skirt, one that would genuinely require a crinoline of its own in order to make it fall properly (because in the dream it did, in fact, fall as I have drawn it), and it would be huge fun to own.…