– dishes – make dinner – laundry, particularly – FOLD the fricking laundry – and then PUT IT AWAY – call to return the coat & order a new one – call joce – do something about photoshop & homesite – and then the p-con website – and faith – finish AAs – put NO DOMINION print edition together – email kyle – rescue old hard drive – look for photos off old hard drive – put printer somewhere more useful in my office – fix treehouse – collaborate with…
Author: mizkit
DICE part 2!
So right after we got to Dublin, a comics convention started up. Even the first year, which was held in a small cramped location, had a strangely good lineup of guests for a tiny con, and the 2nd or 3rd year they even had Jim Lee. This is because EVERYONE wants to come to Ireland. :) But things happened and the con disappeared for a while, and now it has returned with gusto. We had a great time, and I’m really looking forard to next year. It being Ireland, and…
I’ve been at the Dublin International Comics Expo (AKA DICE), which is Dublin’s rebooted comics convention. Tell ya what, I’m feeling really enthusiastic about making comics now. :) I mean, that’s not unusual, but I’m ready to press on with “Take A Chance” and see what’s going to happen with it as a graphic novel, and perhaps soon do another chapter of that story. And–I do tend to think in completionist arcs, so when one of the things discussed repeatedly this weekend was short stories, it was something I listened…
things! many things!
I have *finally* gotten the green light on the title for the 9th and final Walker Papers! It will be SHAMAN RISES, and if all goes according to schedule, I believe it’ll be out in December 2013. (Book 8, MOUNTAIN ECHOES, is out in January, I think.) I spent some time this morning talking comics with a friend, and now a part of me desperately wants to run a Kickstarter for the second chapter of “Take A Chance”. This is no more practical than running any other Kickstarters right now…
Why is it wrong to be happy?
We caught the last 40 minutes or so of “Singing in the Rain” on TV the other night. A couple of things really struck me about Gene Kelly’s performance, his body language, and his actions. The first bit that caught me was when they’re dubbing the vocals for the film-within-the-film. Debbie Reynolds is singing, and Gene Kelly comes to sit at her feet and gaze up at her adoringly. It’s completely sappy, goopy, delightful, and sweet. I cannot imagine seeing it in a modern film. I can’t imagine seeing the…