Page three of Elfquest: The Final Quest. And since I’m linking anyway, I might as well be completionist about it. Page One Page Two
Author: mizkit
I have read 52 books this year. That was my goal for the year, and it’s the first time in *years* I’ve managed to read that many. It’s half the minimum number I think I should be reading, but I…well, you couldn’t say I came to terms with it, but I acknowledged that I’m not likely to get back to the 100+ of pre-writing-career years, nevermind the 200+ of my ill-spent youth. Anyway, so I reached goal AND there are still SEVERAL MONTHS left in the year. Woot! Of course,…
Open Office
I thought I was being very impressive, trying to learn Scrivener and all. But now one of my publishers is asking that we begin using Word stylesheets for our manuscripts. Had I not started learning these a few months ago I would, frankly, be Freaking Out, because they do not seem intuitive to me. They’re not actually hard, as it happens, but if I hadn’t had a good basic primer (thank you, LJ Cohen, for your e-book formatting primer. Again. :)), yeah, flipping out. Instead it’s actually already become pretty…
My husband is participating in a charity fundraising drive his work is doing. For every €250 he personally raises, he will have one quarter of his legs waxed. €1000 gets the, er, Full Monty, as it were. Go forth, participate in his, um. Nobility! Yes, his nobility. :) Please put “Go Ted go!” in the comments when you donate, so he can keep track of just how much he brings in, as several people are participating and a note is the only way he’ll know if his personal goal of…
I’m not. But if I was…
Finishing the last story for the NO DOMINION Kickstarter campaign. I am of course inevitably thinking of running another one, though that way lies madness. I’m not running one, mind you. Not right now. But if I was… It would probably be KISS OF ANGELS, the Grace O’Malley story from the Old Races universe, which I (perhaps foolishly) believe would be novella-length. If I was going to do this (and I’m not), what I learned from the last campaign is that short stories are king: as rewards they were vastly…