If this was actually Nanowrimo, I would be THRILLED. Instead, well. At least I think I’m unstuck now. 40035 / 70000 words. 57% done!
Author: mizkit
I still wasn’t feeling the love on this wretched book, and said so to Ted, and explained where I was in the story. He said, “No, have X show up doing something X isn’t supposed to,” and I stared at him and went and deleted another 3300 damned words, and after a 4K day, I am just about 500 words past where I was yesterday. Mghglhghgl. 35500 / 70000 words. 51% done! Clearly this is not going to be a draft by the time we leave on Friday. It’s not…
process is always a revelation
So I got up to work this morning but still wasn’t feeling the love. There are scenes in this book that I suspect are snowstorms, which– –years and years ago, my writing partner Sarah/ and I wrote a book together. I wrote a wonderful snowstorm scene. It was a chapter long. Sarah cut it to two pages. Then it got cut to a page. In the end, it was two sentences. My beautiful snowstorm! So: in writing terms, a snowstorm is a scene (often a travel scene, as the snowstorm…
first review in!
If you will recall, I gave away four ARCs of BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER on the condition that the winners review the collection and make their reviews publicly available. Mela-Lyn has posted the first of these. Thank you, Mela! Today was something of a flop on the writing front. Last night in my haste to finish up, I made a bad storytelling choice (I made things too easy again). This morning I got up, got started, slowed down, got slower…ground to a stop…stared at it a while…deleted 1300 words, and brought…
halfway there
“I’m going to go outside and write another 800 words,” I said, picking up my laptop a moment ago. “How many will that put you at?” the audience enquired politely. “35,000,” I said. There was a pause while everyone stared at me, as they knew I finished yesterday at 25.5K. “How many words to 35,000?” asked my mother. “Eight hundred,” I said, and a low whistle went ’round the room. “You da man,” Dad said. “I am,” said I, and came outside to work. :) I installed Freedom on the…