The Tesla Museum crowdfund broke a million dollars yesterday. Everything they make above and beyond money to purchase the land will go to preparing the land, building the museum–however far the money will take them, that’s how far they’ll go. Me, I’m hoping it hits $2.5m. Yesterday or the day before I said to Ted that I was having a strange experience writing this novel: I keep feeling like I want to go *read* and find out what happens next, rather than writing it to find out what happens next.…
Author: mizkit
Churchbells ring like crazy at a quarter to eight, here. It gives one the impression that the village had best be up and about by now, not lying around like lazy slug-a-beds. :) We had not planned any French Adventures yesterday, as my parents were arriving for their part of this vacation. I’d thought I could get quite a lot of writing done. Sadly, poor Young Indiana had a French Adventure of his own and was sick all of Tuesday night, so yesterday was pretty much a total wash. He’s…
french holidays
Shortly after writing this morning’s post, I observed the guy next door coming out and dumping a honey pot over the back wall of his balcony. I realize this is a medieval town, but dear *God*. Today’s French Adventure was going in search of the Saint Hilaire Abbey, which after getting completely lost for the second time in a row using Google Maps we vowed to never do again and found the abbey on our own by using, you know. A regular map. Anyway, the abbey was … incredibly peaceful,…
quick warm-up blog post
I should remember that I never do get functional enough to write until I’ve been awake 20 minutes or so. Well. I do remember that. What I *should* have done was not dork around on the computer for those 20 minutes, and instead hand up the sopping wet laundry. (I cannot figure out how to make the washing machine spin with any degree of enthusiasm, so the clothes come out Very Very Wet Indeed. OTOH, there’s not even a hint of fog, much less cloud cover, this morning. It’s going…
pretty good day
Today we only got *somewhat* lost on our attempt to find the abbey at Lagrasse, and we are very glad that we didn’t get all the way lost because holy crap what a beautiful location, a beautiful town, and what wonderful ruins. And we only saw half of them, because the site is owned by two groups and the one part didn’t open until 3:15 and we were like to die if we stayed around in the heat that long. But wow, so very beautiful. It’s hidden back in the…