…the air is soft with fog and the town’s glow. through the fog it seems likely that there’s no protective skim of clouds today. a rooster is determined to call the sun, and someone or something is splashing in the river. birds whose calls i don’t know at all are starting to have opinions, and i…had better get to work.
Author: mizkit
not usually
I won’t usually post two of these a day but it makes more sense to my brain to post it at the end of the day instead of the beginning, so today gets the Announcement Of Writing post and now the End Of The Day Wordcount Post. 5100 / 70000 words. 7% done! Holy crap it’s hot.
book in a week. or two.
I am sitting out on the back patio of a small house in southern France. To my right is a garden tended by a sweet, charming, small old man who tried earnestly to communicate with us even after we admitted to having not a word of French, and by a redheaded youth I have cast as his grandson. Behind me is L’Aude. It is a quarter to 8 in the morning, which means the temperature is about 70 and perfect. I have 70K to go, two weeks to write it…
HOMG. In the south of France, dying of heat and in need of a baby playpen/cot. Anybody know where in France one buys such things? Carcassonne is the nearest town of size…
Kickstarter signal boost!
A few years back, a guy did a kind of cool experiment where, in an attempt to judge books the same way editors did, he picked up several books at the bookstore and read the first page. As it happened, URBAN SHAMAN was one of the ones he picked up, and the only one that drew his attention enough to actually buy it. Since then he and I have chatted a bit, and now Ed is running a Kickstarter for his first novella. Check it out! Also, Tim Pratt is…