I’ve got one more short story to deliver for the NO DOMINION patrons, and then a small handful of other things (the limited edition print run, the calendar, and *bemused* a performance of “Wind Beneath My Wings”) to wrap up. Now that I’m reaching the end of this project, the crazy part of me is looking back on this and thinking “It has been SO! MUCH! FUN! Let’s DO ANOTHER ONE!” In, you know. My copious free time. :) But it really has been a lot of fun, and I’d…
Author: mizkit
a monstrous beast
I need a new … well. Printer/scanner thing. One that ideally prints up to 8×10 color photos as well as has a 50+ppm b&w text print speed and automatically, no human interference required, will print double-sided pages. I want the scanner quality–well, what I /want/ is for it to be a high quality extra large bed scanner like they used to make in about 1998 before they realized they could charge a huge amount more for that kind of thing because the only people who really need scanners that size…
I’ve been given the all-clear to post the MOUNTAIN ECHOES cover! Holy crap, guys! Penultimate Walker Papers book! (And damn, I wish I’d thought of saying RAVEN CALLS was the antepenultimate book when it came out, ’cause I love that word. :))
boringest life ever.
I seem to be suffering from the boringest life ever, in terms of blogging. We have finally all recovered from jet lag (Ted actually suffered the longest, I think, because he has to get up at 5:30 and the Springsteen concert really messed him up). Poor guy. I’ve been writing some and reading quite a lot and doing a terrible job of keeping up on blogging my recent reads. This week I’ve read – the 2nd and 3rd WVMP RADIO series by Jeri Smith-Ready, and I just bought the, er,…
picoreview: DKR & Springsteen
Picoreview: The Boss puts on a good show. Even if I knew exactly four songs, all hits from the 80s, I’m damned glad we went to the Springsteen concert. It was fun, he was great, he lifted a 7 year old kid up onto the stage to sing with him, and it is my recollection that in the 80s, aside from a moderate musical talent, he was also known for really being able to fill out a pair of jeans. Dude’s 62 and can still shake that thang. Dayum. (Halfway…